APRIL 1, 2022 | SMT certification regulations become effective. |
JUNE 30, 2022 | SMT applications are due to CA OSPR. |
On March 4, 2022, OSPR notified interested stakeholders that they will be hosting two Q&A sessions "to train the regulated community on the online application system for submitting SMT applications". The first session will address the submission process for plan holders, and the second will address external SMT applications.
Plan Holder Focus: March 15, 2022, 1:00-2:30 PM
External SMT Focus: March 17, 2022, 9:00-10:30 AM
We strongly suggest that those who will be affected by these new regulations send a representative to the appropriate session(s) in order to hear OSPR's updates and participate in the discussion. You can use the links below to register. If you have questions that you would like OSPR to address during the Q&A sessions, you can email them to OSPRSMT@wildlife.ca.gov. Amergent Techs will be attending both of these sessions and will take detailed notes so we can pass along all relevant information. If you cannot attend the sessions but would like us to ask a question on your behalf, please contact us.